Francesca Negro

Senior Manager

Francesca Negro has over fifteen years of experience in providing assistance and advice for the management of the international mobility of employees and cross border workers with regard to the handling of tax and social security issues of foreign employees and employees working abroad. Her activities are also focused on support to organizations on strategic secondment planning, global coordination of compliance and consulting services. Along with the team Global Mobility & Employment Tax she provides assistance to all employees who must file their annual income tax return and claim back any foreign tax credit that must be returned to the employer. This assistance is required mainly due to those employees who performed their work activity in more than one country and suffered a double taxation.


Master’s Degree in Law, University of Salerno

Professionale background

Mercer Italia
Assolombarda – Tax advisor


Assistance on tax and social security issues for foreign employees and employees working abroad

Support to organizations on strategics secondment planning, global coordination of compliance and consulting services




Francesca Negro
Francesca NegroSenior Manager

WTS R&A Studio Tributario
Piazza Sant’Angelo 1
20121 Milano

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