Highlights Video of our Webinar “State aid, incentives and tax credits: accounting and tax profiles” (Italian only)
The “Highlights” and the full video of our last Corporate and Tax Webinar are available on our YouTube channel. The webinar – held by Francesco Scarfone, Ivano Borgia, Silvia Rolfo e Paolo Dragone last 23 September 2021 – was focused on “Aiuti di Stato, incentivi e crediti di imposta: aspetti civilistici e fiscali”.
The event is part of the 2021 webinars series of WTS R&A Studio Tributario, broadcast live on our YouTube channel.
Our next Corporate and Tax Webinar will be held on Thursday 20 January 2022 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm (in Italian language) on “Legge di bilancio e novità per il 2022”.
Meanwhile, the series of our Customs Webinars (in Italian language) continues. Here are the next dates:
- 26 October 2021 from 4 to 4.45 pm: ”Prodotti Dual use: le novità del regolamento comunitario n. 2021/821”
- 23 November 2021, from 4 to 4.45 pm: “Convenzione Paneuromediterranea (PEM): le novità relative alle regole di origine nei traffici verso paesi partner come Svizzera, Norvegia, ecc.”
For further information and registrations: eventi@anteprima.ra-wts.it
Participation is free of charge.