On November 3, 2022 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm WTS R&A invites to the Corporate & Tax Webinar “Riforma del contenzioso tributario, gestione dei controlli e strumenti deflattivi” (in Italian language).
The recent reform of the tax process offers the opportunity for an overview of both litigation and alternative ways of settling disputes.
The webinar will illustrate in particular the legislative changes that have introduced innovations relating to: composition of the Courts of Justice, conduct of hearings, conciliation tools and evidence. We will focus in particular on the operational aspects and those of interest to all taxpayers. Among the topics covered, there will be that relating to the tax treatment of accounting errors without the need for a supplementary declaration.
Finally, we will examine the European directive intended to offer certain solutions to disputes involving a plurality of states.
To register and receive the link for the live broadcast please send a confirmation e-mail to eventi@anteprima.ra-wts.it. Participation is free.